General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an update to regulations for the processing of data and private information online. This will apply to online stores based in the European Union or those that do extensive business in Europe. GDPR places the responsibility on businesses to give individuals more control over their personal data. If your online store violates the regulations, you could face fines.

GDPR applies to you if your online store is based in the European Union or your store targets shoppers in the European Union. To be more certain if GDPR applies to your business, contact a legal professional.

How Ecomly is compliant #

As an eCommerce platform, Ecomly is compliant with GDPR. Ecomly provides the following features that make it compliant:

  • Ecomly takes action on all Data Subject Access Requests submitted to [email protected], within the required 30 days.
  • Deleting customer data from the Ecomly Control Panel will remove Personal Data associated with that customer within 14 days.
  • Customers can correct or update their data when they log in to their account.
  • Make data portable. Customer data can be exported into the CSV format by the Bulk Import Export tool.
  • Requires consent to use data. You can easily add a checkbox to give your users the ability to view and agree to your privacy policy.
  • In the event that any data breach involves Ecomly, we will report the event to you without undue delay.
  • The Ecomly security team ensures data that transits to our platform is protected at every stage.

While Ecomly meets these requirements, any add-ons to your store, such as third-party apps, custom code, or payment gateways, are not included in this consideration. 

How to setup GDPR cookie bar #

The GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice plugin will assist you in making your website GDPR (RGPD, DSVGO) compliant. In addition to compliance with this GDPR WordPress plugin also supports cookie compliance in accordance with the LGPD of Brazil, CNIL of France, and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) which is a state statute intended to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California.

The plugin is one of the best WordPress GDPR compliance plugins as it comes with a host of features some of which are listed below.

Getting Started #

You can navigate to the plugin settings page from your Ecomly admin dashboard.

For more guidance please visit this link

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Updated on 26/09/2021

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