Email notification settings

Options available to edit email settings and templates.

Go to: Store Settings> Settings > Emails.

Email notifications #

For each WooCommerce email listed, it’s possible to configure your settings (optional). More detailed instructions are below in: Editing Individual Email Templates.

Email Sender Options #

Set the ‘From’ name and email address for the sender.

Email Templates #

This section lets you customize WooCommerce emails.

Header Image #

Enter the URL of an image you want to show in the email header. You can upload an image via the Add Media button or Media > Add New.

Email and Text #

  • Base Color – Color for WooCommerce email templates.
  • Background Color – Background color for WooCommerce email templates.
  • Email Body Background Color – Main body background color.
  • Email Body Text Color – Main body text color.

How to add image in email footer #

If you want to add an image in your email footer please copy/paste the code below in the “Footer text” box.

<img src=”” width=”100px”/>

To display desired image copy/paste image URL from the Media library.

Editing Individual Email Templates #

In the list above in Email Notifications are these templates:

New order | Cancelled order | Failed order | Processing order | Completed order | Refunded order | Customer invoice | Customer note | Reset password | New account

Select Manage on the right side, and a new screen appears.

New order

Select options or enter preferences:

Enable this email notification.

Enter recipients (comma separated) for this email. Defaults to [email protected].

This controls the email subject line. Leave blank to use the default subject:

[{site_title}] New customer order ({order_number}) - {order_date}

Email Heading
This controls the main heading contained within the email notification. Leave blank to use the default heading.

Email type
Choose which format of email to send. Options include:

  • Plain Text
  • HTML
  • Multipart

If using Plain Text emails, keep in mind that text fields are limited to 155 characters. If your products have long names and/or numerous variations/add-ons, the field may be truncated.

HTML template
To override and edit this email template, copy woocommerce/templates/emails/admin-new-order.php to your theme folder: yourchildtheme/woocommerce/emails/admin-new-order.php. You can also copy the template file or view it on this setting screen.

Save any changes.

Completed order and Customer invoice/order details 

The Completed order and Customer invoice/ Order details templates have slightly different settings from others.

  • Customer invoice/Order details cannot (and should not) be disabled.
  • Both templates have ‘Thanks’ fields that can be altered.
What are your feelings
Updated on 16/09/2021

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